Scientific Program

Day 1 :

Keynote Forum

Elizabeth Simon

New York Institute of Technology, USA

Keynote: Influence of age, ethnicity, and life span issues in abnormal thrombosis

Time : 10.00-10.40 AM


Elizabeth Simon, R.N., A.N.P.-B.C., Ph.D., is a professor of nursing. Prior to coming to NYIT in 2018, she was a professor of nursing and dean of the School of Nursing at Nyack College. She also previously served as faculty and post-master’s nursing education coordinator at Hunter-Bellevue School Nursing at Hunter College and as a critical care nursing consultant for Corporate Nursing Services of NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation (NYCHHC).




There is a direct relationship between unusual thrombotic episodes and deficient natural anticoagulants. Thrombotic episodes are the result of a genetic and environmental factors as well as an imbalance between procoagulant and anticoagulant factors. Such imbalance cause either hemophilia or thrombophilia. Thrombophilia is precipitated by various causes, predominantly genetic factors. Deficiency of Protein C (PC) and Protein S (PS) is the principal etiopathology for this anomaly (Hernandez, Zamora, 2016). The prevalence of PS deficiency among Caucasians is 0.03%--0.13% where as it is 1-2% in Asian population. The common hereditary type of thrombophilia seen in Caucasian population is Factor V Leiden and Prothrombin mutation that are not common in Asians. Whereas, deficiencies related to natural anticoagulants are higher in Asians (Satpanich & Rojnuckarin, 2019).  Among Asians, the Japanese have a higher incidence related to a special gene mutation called PS Tokushima manifested as a qualitative PS deficiency. In addition to the race and ethnicity, age and gender also influence PS levels. PS if found high as the age advances, and PS level is relatively high in males compared to females. During the third trimester of pregnancy, there is a transient reduction in PS  (Caroll et al, 2017). Abnormal venous or arterial thrombosis found in unusual sites in relatively young may be due the Protein C and S deficiency. Such thrombotic episodes cause morbidity and mortality and therefore it is important for to understand the anomaly. The significance of protein S (PS), protein C (PC) and other factors will be introduced through discussion of multiple cases. Natural anticoagulants’ deficiency, types, normal levels, lab diagnosis, thrombosis management, prevention and long-term care will be included in the presentation.